Marché Provence Grimaud Var (12)Marché Provence Grimaud Var (12)
©Nico Gomez

Provençal market

in Grimaud

Every week, stall holders at Grimaud and Port Grimaud markets compete to display the freshest and most colourful wares.


A market in Provence

The markets in Provence are truly symbolic of the region. Run by locals and visitors, you will experience delicious aromas, a sing-song accent and local produce.

The markets showcase the colors and flavors of the south of France and of Provence.
What better way to experience a Provençal market than in the heart of a typical Provençal village?

Join us every Thursday morning in Grimaud with your shopping basket at the ready!


Port Grimaud night-time market

You can’t beat spending a summer evening strolling around the coastal town of Port Grimaud.
One evening a week, the night-time market adds to the atmosphere alongside the restaurants and shops.

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