Pont Des Fees Grimaud VarPont Des Fees Grimaud Var
©Vianney Rudent

The magic of the Fairies bridge

Between enchantment and magic, the name chosen for this aqueduct tends to make you wonder.

What makes the bridge magic? Here’s a look at it.

The bridge

This bridge in the heart of the Maures mountain range, below the Provençal village of Grimaud, arouses this magical feeling of wonder.

Like a memory left by our elders in this green setting that is conducive to getting away from it all.
An unexpected surprise which has been waiting for you since the 16th century.

The water

In the 16th century, no spring supplied Grimaud with water. It was due to this bridge that the villagers finally had access to water in a more sustainable way.

Seeing the water gushing out of the village fountain was magical for the locals who had to make many efforts to get it until then.

Today, the magic of water is quite different. From autumn to spring, the River Garde flows under the Fairy Bridge. A great opportunity to cool off and stroll for a few moments in this beautiful setting.

The nature

With the Maures mountain range, nature, on the outskirts of the village, is really magical.
In a few moments, you go from narrow medieval streets to a green forest.

Green in every season, it is in spring when nature around the Fairy Bridge reveals all its charms.
Thousands of wildflowers, flights of dragonflies, birds or butterflies all make this

The perfect place to recharge your batteries.

Mystery of the fairies

This enigmatic name will put the imagination of young and old to work for a long time to come –
creating legends and bringing to life the magic that surrounds the Fairy Bridge.

We developed a theory about fairies, did you?

Final words

Aren’t the fairies Hermann’s tortoises?

These tortoises are an endemic species of the Maures mountain range that we sometimes come across around an ash or oak tree on the way to the Fairy Bridge.

Tell us what you think!

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