18 january > 19 january

Tour du Golfe

  • Sports and leisure
  • Competitive sport
  • Cycle sports
  • Cycling
Centre-ville, 83420 La Croix-Valmer
Come and take part in the 1st Tour du Golfe.

Saturday 18th
11am/6pm: Opening of the show
2pm: start of children's activities, bib number collection

Sunday the 19th
7.40am-8.40am: withdrawal of race numbers
9am: Start of races and opening of the village
3.30pm: prize-giving ceremony
Come and take part in the 1st Tour du Golfe.

Saturday 18th January

11am to 6pm: Opening of the show (food-truck, brand exhibitors, etc.)
2pm: start of children's activities (cycling activities and surprises) and collection of race numbers for Sunday's events

Sunday 19th January

7.40am-8.40am: collection of race numbers
9am: start of the races (110km and 35km) and reopening of the village with stands and activities throughout the day
10.30am: arrival of the first runners

Opening times

From 18 January 2025 until 19 January 2025
11:00 - 18:00

11:00 - 18:00


Tour du Golfe
Centre-ville, 83420 La Croix-Valmer
Contact Tour du Golfe
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  • French
Updated on 13 January 2025 at 10:55
by La Croix Valmer Tourisme
(Offer identifier : 7195836)
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