16 may > 18 may

Les Bravades de Saint-Tropez

  • Traditions and folklore
  • Local festival
Saint-Tropez, 83990 Saint-Tropez
‘Les Bravades’ have taken place in Saint-Tropez for years on 16, 17 and 18 May. They are a display of the pride which residents of Saint-Tropez have in their glorious military past and of their deep devotion to their Patron Saint.
In 68 AD, Saint Tropez publicly refused to renounce his Christian faith in front of Nero. Nero had him beheaded. His body was then placed in a boat with a cockerel and a dog to symbolise the disrespect which had been shown to the Emperor. The boat was then pushed into the river Arno.
It was carried by the currents to the shores of Saint-Tropez. At the end of the 15th century, the town of Saint-Tropez was rebuilt, fortified and repopulated. The role of the new inhabitants of...

Opening times

From 16 May 2025 until 18 May 2025 - Open everyday


les bravades
les bravades
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Les Bravades de Saint-Tropez
Saint-Tropez, 83990 Saint-Tropez
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  • French
Updated on 14 November 2024 at 14:42
by Saint-Tropez Tourisme
(Offer identifier : 4173873)
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